Friday, March 11, 2016

Shabab ul Eid uz Zahabi Meeting

Minutes of Meeting Dated 10th March 2016 (Time: 9:15pm)

1. Meeting started with Tilawat ul Quran, Marasiya, Matam and Rasa

2. Introduction of Shabab past and current activities was presented by Shk. Shabbir Rasheed. Past activities included Ziyafat, Najwa Araz during Ashara, Darees, Milad Jaman, Sports, Medical, Qardan Hasanah, Transport, Nazafat and most recently Fostership & Upliftment.

3. Interactive session with Shk. Yousuf Wapiwala from international shabab was conducted. In that many khidmat were enumerated which should be and can be taken up by shabab were discussed. 

Following were discussed:

  • Fostership & Upliftment work which was started in Khamgaon by Khamgaon Shabab, internationally all Shabab committees should be part of this khidmat.
  • Janab Kinana Bhaisaheb gave a unique perspective with respect to Shabab khidmat in that Shabab Committee should strive for value addition khidmats to make its identity.
  • Also since a new Shabaab Committee is being formed it is the taujihat of Shehzada Qaid Johar Bhaisaheb that members from the previous committee should also be part of Shabab in the position Vice Patrons to give guidance and help to the new committee. 
  • In India a masjid in a town is being built by Shabab ul Eid uz Zahabi International and Shabab ul Eid uz Zahabi, Dubai should do niyat to contribute INR 27,00,000 (AED 148000 approx) for this project. 
4. Members presented theirs ideas also during the meeting.

5. Meeting ended at around 10:30pm with Vazifatus Shukr.

Photos of Meeting