Wednesday, April 27, 2016

SEZ Roti Making

On 21st Rajab ul Asab, about 40 SEZ members obtained khushi of Aqa Moula (tus), by participating in Roti Making event for FMB thaali. A total of 372 roti's were prepared.


Thursday, April 14, 2016

Shehzada Ammar Bhaisaab Ziyafat

On 8th Rajab ul Asab, SEZ Dubai was graced by the presence of Shehzada Ammar Bhaisaab for a discussion session where he shared his invaluable guidance for the welfare of all mumineen youngsters residing in Dubai.


Sunday, April 10, 2016

SEZ Dubai Inaugural Meeting

The inaugural meeting of SEZ Dubai was held on Sunday 10 April 2016, 5 Rajab ul Asab, attended by 63 members.
